Demonstrating Responsible Production
Welcome to this first edition of the Copper Mark newsletter! The Copper Mark is the only assurance framework available for the copper industry to demonstrate its responsible production practices and its contribution to the United Nations SDGs. The Copper Mark offers a comprehensive system that addresses 32 environmental, social and governance issues related to the responsible production of copper, using the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s (RMI) Risk Readiness Assessment. Developed and funded by the International Copper Association (ICA), the Copper Mark has been incorporated as an independent entity in December 2019. Its assurance framework will open for applications from copper mines, smelters and refiners this year. We look forward to continuing the engagement with our stakeholder community as we launch and further develop this important program.
COPPER PRODUCER ENGAGEMENT. With the launch of its assurance framework anticipated this year, the Copper Mark and ICA spent time early 2020 visiting and speaking with copper producers around the world. The Copper Mark and ICA visited seven copper producers in Latin America and Europe and held dedicated webinar sessions with ten producers across Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. The engagement confirmed the strong support by ICA’s membership for the Copper Mark and offered valuable input from copper producers on all aspects of the Copper Mark’s current and future program.
The Copper Mark and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) are pleased to publish the joint Criteria Guide to accompany the RMI’s Risk Readiness Assessment. The Criteria Guide offers explanations to help companies implement and assess performance with the 32 industry norms of the Risk Readiness Assessment across environmental, social and governance issue areas. It will allow users of the Risk Readiness Assessment online platform to obtain further guidance and details the expectations for copper producers participating in the Copper Mark assurance framework. By issuing the joint Criteria Guide, the Copper Mark and the RMI ensure that the Risk Readiness Assessment industry norms are consistently interpreted, implemented and assessed across the minerals and metals covered by both organizations.
The Copper Mark’s Assurance Process and Equivalency Matrix was published the week of 24 February. Copper producers are now able to access detailed information on the steps to complete to be able to carry the Copper Mark and to understand how existing certifications or assurance systems can be used to demonstrate conformance with the Copper Mark Criteria. Independent third-party assessors interested in the Copper Mark may refer to the Assurance Process to learn about the requirements to become an approved assessor.