

The Copper Mark’s responsible production criteria are comprehensive and rigorous. They are derived from existing sustainability standards.


标准是铜标志的基础。 铜标志保证框架的制定是为了确定对负责任的生产实践的共同期望,确保这些共同期望在现场得到满足,并通过定期咨询和修订来把握利益相关者不断变化的期望。

To ensure our standards are credible and effective, we strive to adhere to the ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Standard Setting, to ensure our standards are relevant and transparent and reflect a balance of stakeholder interests.


铜标识定期参与基准测试工作,以促进对各种标准的认可,并了解对负责任做法的新期望。 为了使公司能够满足其客户、投资者和监管机构的期望,铜标组织提供了一些工具和标准。 它使用保证程序来评估公司是否符合其标准。

目前,"铜牌 "提供了以下标准的保证。

1.     The Copper Mark Criteria for Responsible Production. The Copper Mark uses the Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) as the basis for evaluating Participants’ performance, including the RRA-Copper Mark Criteria Guide of October 2023.

2.     The Joint Due Diligence Standard for Copper, Lead, Molybdenum, Nickel and Zinc of August 2022.
