The Copper Mark Working Groups are responsible for the development and growth of the Copper Mark activities. We welcome Participants, Partners and subject-matter experts to join these groups.
The Copper Mark Due Diligence Working Group
The purpose of The Copper Mark Due Diligence Working Group (“DD working group”) is to provide a framework across the Copper Mark’s principal covered metals to advance mineral value chain due diligence and support regulatory compliance for sites using the Copper Mark assurance framework.
In 2020, the DD Working Group was set up to develop the Joint Due Diligence Standard for Copper, Lead, Molybdenum, Nickel and Zinc (herein referred to as “the JDD”). The JDD was first adopted and published in early 2021, revised in 2022 and then again in 2023 to include producers of molybdenum. It is co-owned by the Copper Mark, the International Lead Association, the International Molybdenum Association, the International Zinc Association, the Nickel Institute and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (jointly referred to as “the partner organizations”).
Since 2020, market and regulatory expectations regarding value chain due diligence continue to evolve. The Copper Mark seeks to re-convene the DD working group to address emerging issues related to value chain due diligence.
The Copper Mark Technical Working Group
The Copper Mark Technical Working Group (“Technical WG”) is the main forum for the technical development, maintenance, and revision of the Copper Mark Assurance Framework.
This includes at a minimum to:
1. Identify the format of and develop deliverables for each workstream.
2. Conduct technical review of standards and related deliverables during scheduled revision cycles to ensure the Copper Mark achieves its mission and vision.
3. Provide additional recommendations for program elements to the Advisory Council that support the growth and continuous improvement of the Copper Mark Assurance Framework.
The Copper Mark Peoples and Communities Group
The Copper Mark Peoples and Communities Group (“P&C Group”) is the main forum to facilitate and promote collaboration and partnerships across different stakeholder groups, along the value chain, across geographies, metals and industries seeking to address critical impacts related to the production, sourcing and recycling of the principle covered metals.