The Joint Due Diligence Standard for Copper, Lead, Molybdenum, Nickel and Zinc is designed to enable effective due diligence for producers and/or traders of these metals. It intends to build on existing standards and looks to provide flexibility for multi-metal producers to include materials intended for the production of metal products other than of principal covered metals at their site(s) as needed.
The Copper Mark, the International Lead Association (ILA), the International Molybdenum Association (IMOA), the International Zinc Association (IZA), the Nickel Institute and the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) collaborated to issue the Joint Due Diligence Standard to enable companies to comply with the London Metal Exchange (LME) Responsible Sourcing requirements.
The standard and implementation have undergone a third-party alignment assessment of industry programmes with the OECD Minerals Guidance and found to be "fully meets."
Download the Joint Due Diligence Standard HERE rev. 3, 26 August 2022 (CHI / ESP / JAP /RUS).
The Joint Standard represents Criterion 10 of the Copper Mark Responsible Production Criteria or can be used for a standalone assessment.
Conformance of companies with this Joint Due Diligence Standard will be assessed using The Copper Mark’s Assurance Process or the RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process. The following types of companies are eligible to implement the Joint Due Diligence Standard and undergo an assessment:
- Copper producers participating in the Copper Mark. Implementation of the Joint Due Diligence Standard is currently voluntary and will be become mandatory for participating copper producers of the Copper Mark to demonstrate conformance with Criteria 10 of the Risk Readiness Assessment.
- All companies extracting, producing and/or trading copper, lead, nickel or zinc materials from mine sites to, and including, producers of refined metal products, which are generally referred to as the refiner.
- Producers of nickel chemical compounds and all nickel raw intermediate materials (including ferro-nickel, nickel pig iron, and nickel oxide sinter) entering production of stainless steel, alloys, batteries, plating, and where no refining takes place
For companies listed under points 2 and 3, an assessment against the Joint Due Diligence Standard does not result in participation in the Copper Mark and companies are not eligible to make any claims in that regard.
Joint Due Diligence Standard for Copper, Lead, Molybdenum, Nickel and Zinc rev. 3, 26 August 2022 (CHI / ESP / JAP / RUS)
Joint Due Diligence Assessment Tool rev. 10 January 2023 (CHI / ESP / JAP / RUS)
Download an overview of the Joint Standard HERE (CHI).
Watch a presentation by the LME and the Copper Mark explain how the Joint Standard links to Track A of the LME's Responsible Sourcing Requirements HERE.
For any questions on the Joint Due Diligence Standard, please contact The Copper Mark at