We use data and indicators to evaluate our progress toward achieving our intended impact.
The Copper Mark Monitoring and Evaluation System complements the Theory of Change by defining the data and indicators to track performance toward achieving our short- and long-term goals, as well as our intended impact.
The monitoring and evaluation system measures the Copper Mark’s progress towards our intended impact. Results are used to inform the Copper Mark’s strategic goals, organizational processes and serve to proactively prevent and mitigate potential negative impacts.
The Copper Mark launched its first M&E Report in May 2023. This report covers the first three years of the implementation of the Assurance Process, and measures progress toward meeting the goals identified in the Theory of Change. As a starting point, the report includes baseline information on which future reports can be measured. Key take aways include:
- The average number of “partially meets” per site in 2022 was 3.6 out of a total of 32 requirements.
- The percentage of annual globally mined copper produced by sites with the Copper Mark grew from 4% in 2020 to 21.1% in 2022.
- The Copper Mark has seen a fourfold increase in its number of partner companies since 2020, as well as an expansion in the number of non-mining sites participating in the framework, building the foundation for the Copper Mark’s engagement across the whole value chain.
In early stages of implementation and organizational development, the Copper Mark acknowledges that its M&E System will require time and experience to fully implement. The Copper Mark will regularly report on its progress.
We welcome your feedback! Please send any input to info@coppermark.org.
Theory of Change and Monitoring and Evaluation Limited Revision Process 2024
In April and May of 2024, the Copper Mark solicited input to the proposed limited revision to the Theory of Change, resulting in the current version posted on this page. Thank you to those who were able to review and provide feedback!
The purpose of the limited revision was to:
- Ensure alignment with the revised Copper Mark vision
- Incorporate “critical issues of copper” as identified by the Impact Working Group in 2023
- Incorporate other metals (molybdenum, nickel, zinc) included in the Copper Mark Assurance Process
Relevant documents:
- Track-changed version of the draft used in the public consultation
- Clean version of the draft used in the publich consultation
- Feedback received and response to feedback
- Process timeline:
The Monitoring and Evaluation System has been revised to align with the updated Theory of Change and v.2 is now available for public consultation.
Please see the track-changed version of the proposed changes here, and a clean version here.
We welcome your feedback! Please send any input to info@coppermark.org by 31st January 2025.
To complement the Monitoring and Evaluation system, we are seeking a consultant to carry out a field study around the Antofagasta region of Chile.
The aim of the study is to help inform the Copper Mark on how it can support positive change for communities around sites participating in the assurance framework as demand for copper continues to rise.
Please see the terms of reference here, and submit proposals, in English, to info@coppermark.org by 31st January 2025.